


In the second edition of Tamiya Mini 4WD Asia Challenge 2016, top racers from more than a dozen Asian countries will be competing to become the number one Tamiya Mini 4WD racer in Asia! China, Hong Kong , Macao ,Korea, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Taiwan and Thailand will send their top racers to participate in this international event. “Tamiya Mini 4WD Asia Challenge” is an international race event that will be held every year in an Asian country. Following the success of last year’s inaugural event in Thailand, this year’s event is coming to Hong Kong! Waigo Hobby is chosen by Tamiya Japan as the organizer of this international event.

【田宮迷你四驅車亞洲挑戰賽】是一項巡迴亞洲地區國家舉行的國際盛事。繼2015年在泰國舉行之後,今年將會移師到香港隆重舉行。今屆【田宮迷你四驅車亞洲挑戰賽2016】 雲集了亞洲各地迷你四驅車高手,包括:香港,泰國,新西蘭,台灣,新加坡,馬來西亞,印尼,文萊,韓國和菲律賓。我們偉高模型更有幸被日本田宮模型選定為主辦單位,籌辦今屆國際賽事。

More Info: https://waigohobby.com/asia2016/
